Ambient Textures

From dreamy, hypnotic musical beds to dark, menacing moods, Ambient Textures is a perfect choice for media composers and sound designers looking for new inspiration. This is a massive collection of harmonic ambience loops organized into small kits. The loops in each kit are designed to be layered and are long (many well over 30 seconds) with evolving soundbeds.

Ambient, Soundeffects
2 GB, 216 Loops & Samples
49.00 €
19.00 €
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Loop Library for the free Ueberschall Elastik Player
VST2/3, AU, AAX and Standalone for macOS and Windows

Perfect For Atmospheric Soundbeds

Ambient Textures contains 2 GB and 216 loops. The samples are organized in four different folders:

1-Harmonic Ambiences
This folder contain long ambiences which can be layered to create rich harmonic sounds. Each subfolder offers up to seven different layers.

2-Drum Textures
These folders contain abstract and heavily edited drum loops.

3-Percussion FX
A collection of altered percussion loops.

4-Unperfect Loops
This folder includes a selection of rhythmic and non-rhythmic ambient sounds from static noises to abstract strings and floating harmonies. The subfolders are named to give an idea of the sound, for example „Water“, „Noisy“ or „Static“.

The harmonic ambiences can be augmented with the drum and percussion textures. All of these loops have been heavily processed and, with the powerful time-stretching features of Elastik, can be time-stretched to match any tempo required. The series of 'unperfect loops' with both rhythmic and non-rhythmic sounds, noises and sound FX provides further sonic possibilites.

Dreamy And Hypnotic

Ambient Textures provides an ideal collection of source material for busy sound designers and composers working in film, TV, commercials, games, documentaries, advertising or other background music/audio applications.


Production: Julian Liedtke, Uwe Kinast

Genre: Ambient

Elastik Soundbank for Mac & Win - AU/VST/AAX/StandAlone

2 GB, 216 Ambient Loops and Samples

Harmonic Ambiences: 45
Drum Textures: 20
Percussion FX: 18
Unperfect Loops Harmonic: 58
Unperfect Loops Rhythmic: 75
In addition to the pitch and tempo manipulation, Elastik’s central Loopeye is a detailed loop-editing tool. A large number of parameters can be adjusted, including slice-based pitch-shifting, volume and pan, reverse, formant, filter and resample. Elastik even includes a random sound replacement function called INSPIRE: one click on the Inspire button and Elastik will select an alternative loop, providing just that bit of additional inspiration when you need it. All this can be done on the fly and without leaving the Elastik environment. You can define which soundbanks will be used in the Inspire tool with the new Inspire browser.


Acoustic Dreamscapes
Acoustic Dreamscapes
49.00 €
19.00 €
4.6 GB, 5 Kits, 644 Loops & Phrases
Modular Structures
Modular Structures
49.00 €
1.5 GB, 303 Loops & Phrases
Ambient Pop
Ambient Pop
49.00 €
19.00 €
3.9 GB, 10 Kits, 859 Loops & Samples
Ambient Noises
Ambient Noises
49.00 €
1.5 GB, 20 Kits, 286 Loops & Samples