
Guitar FX

Cinematic Sound Design

If you have an experimental streak in your music creation process, Guitar FX provides a sonic journey you will enjoy. Featuring a combination of different guitars and an abundance of effects processing options, Guitar FX takes the guitar deep into the realms of sound design. Media composers needing some guitar-based textures to add character to their latest cue will love it, while those who like to take their music production in psychedelic and abstract directions will find plenty to inspire.

Soundeffects, Instruments
1.49 GB, 402 Loops & Phrases
49.00 €
24.50 €
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Loop Library for the free Ueberschall Elastik Player
VST2/3, AU, AAX and Standalone for macOS and Windows

Inspiring Sound Design

Guitar FX provides almost 1.5 GB of content. This includes over 200 sound designed loops that are organized into 16 themed folders. Individual loops vary in length but are up to 32 seconds long. The loops within the individual folders were originally recorded at either 90 or 120 BPM but can easily be tempo or pitch shifted using Elastik’s powerful sample playback engine. A further folder provides dry versions of all the individual loops. This allows you to apply your own creative processing choices if you wish to add further variety to the underlying performances.

Dry Versions For Maximum Flexibility

The themed folders feature different playing styles and techniques. These include feedback sounds, bottleneck, harmonics and overtones, tremolo, bending, dive bombs, slides and reversed loops. All the styles feature a range of creative sound processing options such as distortion, overdrive, delays, reverbs, and a whole selection of various modulation effects. The resulting performances capture a range of moods, from weird to wonderful, cool to crazy, and comedic to outright scary. Whatever the emotion required, Guitar FX will give you options.

Ideal For Cinematic Applications

Guitar FX provides a great complement to other Elastik libraries that offer designed sounds including Low Tuned Strings, Guitar Feedback, Cinematic Guitar Loops or the Cinematic Bundle. When you need to add a special sonic element that will bring something truly distinctive to your cinematic score, Guitar FX is brimming with possibilities. Get inspired by the sound design possibilities of the humble guitar with Guitar FX.


All guitars played by Kai Reuter

Attention: The backing drums used in the demo track are not part of this library! They were taken from the product Paranormal Atmospheres.

Instrument: Guitar, Soundeffects

Elastik Soundbank for Mac & Win - AU/VST/AAX/StandAlone

1.49 GB, 402 Guitar Loops & Phrases

Guitar FX: 201
Guitar Dry: 201
While Elastik is a hugely creative tool, it also provides an extremely efficient workflow. The streamlined browser means that no matter how large your Elastik loop library becomes, you can always find just the right loop in an efficient fashion. Elastik also includes advanced features such as tagging and filtering, making it easy to narrow down any search. The browser allows you to easily audition loops in BPM, key and scale sync with your project. And if you want to add new loop libraries from the Ueberschall range, the authorization process is fast and secure.


Guitar Feedback
Guitar Feedback
49.00 €
34.30 €
940 MB & 138 Loops & Phrases
Low Tuned Strings
Low Tuned Strings
49.00 €
24.50 €
850 MB, 508 Loops
Sensory Disruption
Sensory Disruption
99.00 €
29.70 €
1.4 GB, 1.600 Loops & Samples
Groove Shadow Elastik
Groove Shadow Elastik
99.00 €
49.50 €
3.5 GB, 400 Kits, 4.000 Loops & Samples